Friday, November 14, 2014

  week1-  learn from multiple sources (sociocultural learning?)
-  working memory vs. long term memory (did I really develop any long term memory of this stuff?)
-  The Robbie Case stuff "that just because a person is a certain age doesn't mean that they will have the same success at abstract manipulation of information. In my case I felt like a bit child-like in my inability to fully work through the hypothetical situations in my mind. I couldn't see many of the end results. I don't have the automaticity or fixed schemes to allow my mind to work at full speed yet, where I can think of several children who have taken some programming classes who could probably work through the hypothetical situations better than I am able to at this point."

  week2- How much did the reading effect my experience?  How much did my experience effect my reading?
-  I inherently recognized the power of situated learning even before I knew what it was exactly, "These tutorials are much easier to follow, and rely less on PhP comparisons.  They're more project oriented as well, which is helpful to me because it allows me to see how the concepts fit into the execution."
-  cognitive miser
-  Is there a cultural motivation to knowing programming?  How does that relate to what Vygotsky said about language as the basis of cultural learning?
- expectancy-value theory- "great aversion to negative consequences umbrella
- incremental theory= Am I cut out to program?  What stops anyone from learning stuff?  Is it all lack of effort or are our individual minds geared one way or another?  How does enjoyment play into it?

week3- experts!  Does expertise take time?  Yes!  Do you have to love something to become and expert or does developing an expertise foster a love of it?  Or can you be an expert in something you have an aversion?  I feel like programming is not naturally something I love, and I don't think 8 weeks of practicing it have persuaded me to continue.  My unanswerable question is if a love can develop with work and practice.  I have a feeling that if I could beef up my schema for programming and connect some of the knowledge a bit better I'd like it a whole lot more.  If I could get to a point of practical application I might actually enjoy it... Ignorant incapable?

week4- memory is dynamic, constantly restructuring (making connections, relationships, addendums and cross references).
- What was my mind connecting this stuff to if not to prior programming knowledge?
- procedural memory--  I saw a hint of this at work during the last tutorial!!!  I sorta just got some programming right without having to destroy my sanity to do it!!!!
- declarative memory--  Still disparate, but maybe building cohesivness?

week5- situated learning!  I still have a hard time including others in my learning even though I understand and agree that it's an important and effective way to learn.  I definitely do not feel encultured yet in the ranks of the codemonkeys. 
- cognitive apprenticeship- I wonder if I'd pursued this approach.  If I'd just asked my buddy to help me make a website and worked with him.... I think I would have the tools to make a website.

week6- my zone of proximal development is still wide open!  There is simply never a way I'll close the gap, but I don't think anyone's completely filled the gap in any regard to any subject ever.  There is always more to learn/discover/do!  The potential of human learning is more vast than the ability to fill it.  Is that good?  
-  Internalizing this stuff?  I guess I have a little bit, but not nearly as much as I thought I'd have done by now.  The strange thing is that usually I'd have quit by now... but I've stuck to it and put in diligent effort... 

week7- muddling of a new way to look at Ruby.  Maybe this could be a good thing!  
- Learning things the hard way has a function when it comes to more complicated problems or situations

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